we have moved.
I have put off writing this post for as long as possible, but alas I have other things to blog about and so in an effort to keep this in a semi chronological order the time has come to bite the bullet and come to grips with the fact that we have moved. moved to Boise, Idaho.
I will be honest cows and poo were what first popped into my head when visualizing our new home. turns out it looks a bit more like this...
Justin was promoted to the Boise airport. he has MUCH better hours. We now live in a house with a garage and gorgeous backyard. our neighbors had us moved in in about an hour and then fed us at the block party. that was my attempt at being positive...
because, I miss St. George like CRAZY!
as usual the Enterprise move was quick and crazy. 2 weeks in total from finding out to moving in. during which we managed to squeeze in ali's birthday party, a final in person ASL class (we will continue them online), Justins trip to San Diego with the young men, a jewelry party hosted by myself for my friend, a goodbye party, a million play dates, a flu bug, packing a house and cleaning it, a trip to Boise to find a house, and I am sure I have left something out. It was a insane.
It would have been absolutely impossible to move with out the help of our amazing friends. So many helped us clean, pack, watched our kids, seriously it was humbling to have so many come through for us. The Dutro's deserve a special shout out, they were there from sun up to sun down on both moving days. They even provided food for all those who helped us move. It would be one long post if I listed all those who helped and I am afraid I would mess up and forget someone, so I will just say that we were completely spoiled. like beyond words spoiled.
Katie heard about us moving and immediately got to party planning...thank goodness, I needed a good distraction!!! how cute is this invite?
a bash complete with yummy food (potato bar in honor of Idaho), good friends, and crazy kids all over. They even gave us the most tender scrapbook. They had the kids in the ward fill out pages in it on the sly during primary and then our friends all wrote notes to us. It even had a 40 things we love about the Maddux family page. I was a gooey mess one page in, so you can imagine how the tears were flowing by the end.
I can't go too deep into how much I love these women (and a few not pictured) or I will start to bawl. So I will just say that some of my favorite people in this world are back in St. George. Women that I admire, adore spending my time with, and just plain love. kindred spirits. I will know you girls forever.
if nothing else we will be reunited when these two are teammates at BYU.
Justin and I both consider St. George to be home for us. and as such we will be visiting our family often. In many ways I feel like not even trying to be this close to people again because after all can you really strike gold twice? Cause pure gold is what these people are. (as Justin pointed out I have been blessed with wonderful friends my whole life so I guess there is hope.) I am sure I am way too social to actually give up on a social life, but still, I will be in mourning for a while. I said in church (when the Bishopric so cruelly made me bear my testimony our last Sunday there) that I had heard the quote "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." So I am going to try and smile, with only a few tears mixed in because I am so very happy it happened.