Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a "hi"-ly astute observation

ali has been waving and saying "hi" for a while now, but the new addition to this process was too cute not to blog. apparently our little lady has observed that when we say hi we most often have our hand to our ear (holding a phone). so ali decided that must be the way you are supposed to do it. so, now when ever you say hi to her she puts her hand to her ear and says hi back to you. If that's the way the crazy grown-ups do it, it's gotta be right, right?

(don't mind the banana chunks on the face and pajamas)


Clay said...

That's too cute.

Sara said...

that's awesome! I love it when they pick up on things that you didn't even realize you were teaching them!

Wendy said...

Oh I love that face! I just want to kiss her!

jennifer casady said...

Awww, I just love these moments. Kids are so fun!

valmike said...

It's good that she says "Hi" with the phone and not other things... I'm such a bad parents sometimes! Oh! I will e-mail that pic to you right now before I forget!