Wednesday, March 31, 2010

out of the mouth of my babes...the sequel

this is my favorite little lady in the whole wide world.

she is "1 years old" as cole puts it.

she loves to talk on the phone and...

she is full of per-son-al-i-ty.

she LOVES "pretty's" as she calls them. and insists on wearing as much jewelry as I will let her each day. she requests that they be situated before she get's out of the crib.

she loves to do whatever cole does.

she talks up a storm...just like her mama.

my personal favorite is when she says "oh, darn it."

her favorite song is currently "the wheels on the bus" with "the itsy bitsy spider" and "sunbeam" as close seconds. although the sunbeam song is mostly because she loves to jump as she says sunbeam. she is very into actions with whatever song she sings.

and she dances the moment she hears music.

the table is her stage.

she loves asperagus.

she has developed a love for purses.

she has daddy right where she wants him.

she has a VERY protective big brother.

she swings her left arm repeatedly when she is trying to get somewhere fast.

after "pretty's" the second thing she asks for in the morning is her "sippy" and then to "get out"

she put herself in this pose when she saw the camera out.

she loves to smile and giggle.

and she loves to tickle you and then scream...cause that should be your reaction of course to being tickled.

she can't wait to get dressed everyday.

and take baths with bubbles.

and her reaction anytime there is a cookie in sight or spoken of is "COOK-IE" in the manliest of voices she can muster.

she is HILARIOUS. I could watch her and laugh all day...actually that's exactly what I do.

she scrunches up her face and makes this face that kills me anytime she is being mischievous, or thinks she is funny. it happens to be the same face she makes when she tells me something is "yucky ka ka".

she loves to be outside and is VERY independent.

we have no doubt this little girl can hold her own.
(based on her remarkable usage of "no!" and "mine!")

and just in case she ever can't cole is never far.

and my favorite thing she has mastered is the ever adorable

"lub you!"
(love you)

we "lub" you too ali.


Anonymous said...

she is so cute. you have got a little diva on your hands!

Katie and Bryson said...

Yes, and I love that she ran down the street today with my big jar of gumballs thinking she was home free. She is a crack up!!!

Wendy said...

She is darn cute!