Saturday, May 22, 2010

Basket 'O Bounty

oh how I love the feeling of driving into the bountiful basket location parking lot and walking up eagerly with my basket, just waiting to see what new suprises await me there. digging through the produce to see what has been placed there for me is like Christmas morning minus the wrapping paper.

this picture is from a few weeks ago. but being there this morning at 7 am gave me the urge to blog about all that bounty!
all that produce = $15
and the 16 lbs of strawberries in the box = $8


JEN&JIMMY said...

K SERIOUSLY need to sign up and have you get me into this! Please make me listen harder the next time we are talking about this!!! I won't be at craft night, my mom is in town this week but next week for SURE!

Wendy said...

I want some! What do you do with artichoke? It's one of those mysterious vegitables to me. I'm curious what you do with it?

chelsea mckell said...

YAY! I love BB! Our Cedar location started last October and it's been a lifesaver. I like to buy two baskets every other week, then I don't have to get up so early every single Saturday :) Also, I only have to pay the $1.50 shipping fee once instead of every week. Have you tried the 9-grain bread? Heavenly.