on monday of this week I had my gallbladder out.
I had known I had a stone in there since my ultrasound when preggers with cole, but had yet to have it removed.
well, a few weeks ago I landed myself in the E.R. with a gall bladder attack.
(and I have had 3 chillins)
the verdict was it had to come out.
that meant I needed lots of help since I wasn't supposed to lift and would be on medication.
I was spoiled. my mom and grandma came up to help.
Justin and I got in a free date night before surgery day. and I had one day to shop with them before I went in too.
everything went well, except they had to "bag me" a few times in recovery because I kept forgetting to breath. not really want you want to hear when you are coming to. apparently I am a "lightweight" when it comes to anesthesia. the nurse said it was because I was a redhead...until I told her it was totally fake. That is the third time medical staff have blamed my red hair for something. (the other 2 being...bad veins: I am a really hard stick, and then I was asked by my labor and delivery nurse if I was a bleeder since I was a redhead.) things went smoothly....although I am not a fan of being pumped with air for surgery...2 month olds cry for a reason when they have gas floating around in there!
Justin was able to take 2 days off and take care of me. and it's a good thing my mom and grandma were here for the week. they did everything for me. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night for a solid week! My grandma made awesome meals and stalked my freezer with cookies and texas chocolate cake brownies. (which tasted amazing after having to eat like a rabbit for the past two weeks since the attack.) They changed Pipers diapers (and everything else a baby girl could need), took Cole to and from school, helped him with homework, took Ali shopping, let me sleep as often as I could, and just generally spoiled us all. It was hard to see them go. Things are still returning to normal. I have a 20lb weight lifting restriction for a month, so good luck to me for the next 3 weeks with 3 kids. I am so glad it's over and that I never have to feel those attacks again. yikes.
How scary! I'm so glad you had people to take such good care of you!
I had to have mine out too! I can attest, it is the worst pain! Glad you had so much help!
Heather, I'm glad you're okay! And glad you had some good help come your way. Take care and get well soon.
Oh No! I hope you continue to heal quickly. If all else fails, blame it on the fake red hair ;) A lady I visit teach just had her gallbladder removed as well, it sounds awful. I'm glad grandma & your mom were able to come help out.
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