can't you just see him on a football field somewhere, someday?
for now the field is our backyard, and the teammate is dad.
Justin and Cole play football constantly, and I think daddy is pretty proud that his son shows real potential...and interest in the game.
Cole LOVES playing with his dad. and he gets so into it.
check out his tongue after he concentration.
I just had to document the adorableness...I mean pure awesomeness of this activity.
He makes amazing catches...
and let me assure you, dad throws HARD.
he never takes it easy on him. but I have to admit, it has paid off, look at those fingertips!
he is so into it. I love his faces.
and what you ask do the girls do during this? well, piper is content to watch for now, but al is a whole different story. don't think for a second this girl gets left out. whether its playing...
or goofing around with the boys, she is in the middle of it.
but cole doesn't seem to mind. just look at that face, it's my favorite.
I guess I can handle a lifetime of football if the result is that face.
I cannot handle how grownup he looks in these pictures!!!!!
Cole cannot be that big! I agree with Becca, he looks way too grown up! And I love that he is dressed in the same sports clothes Justin wears. He looks like his daddy!
I'm diggin the super tight muscle shirt. He is such a cute boy, and we can't wait to cheer him on when he eventually joins the BYU Football team!!!
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