Friday, December 21, 2012

snow showers

  What do you do when the friend who threw you a gorgeous shower for your third kiddo refuses to have one for her own third bambino? 

You drive 4 hours back to boise,
team up with a few friends, 
put together good eats.

and a few decor items that will merge the Christmas favorite things party you loured her there with and the  surprise shower together. 

then invite some wonderful people to make it a real party!

after all that you wait for her arrival. watch her faces of confusion.

and then delight in the moment of recognition!

and then hold back your own tears that she is so happy.

after this tender moment there is only one thing left to do...
get pay back pictures for the ones she posted all over facebook of you from your shower!

really good payback photo's!

and then realize that no matter how many silly ones you get...

she still looks beautiful!

I was so happy when my friends Sarah and Amber mentioned doing a shower for our friend Ja'nette. I was going to find a way to throw her one even though we were moving. and this worked out perfectly! It was a fun night full of favorite things and favorite people! 
I love it when a plan comes together!