Sunday, February 17, 2013

shot through the heart

oh no mom's got that blasted camera out again.

alright, I will just smile adorably for a few sister pictures and then I can get back to my normal routine.

oh, not just sister pictures, we are doing the whole clan huh?
 alright we can bust out some adorable quickly, right guys?

yeah, not too shabby, let's give more of that people.

Wait, ali! You're killin' me here, I have a bottle with my name on it and a nap to take sometime today!

ok, that's a little better.

ok, good work people, I think we are good here.

oh wait, she's taking pictures of the shoes. really mom, the shoes...

wait, mmmmm shoes.

op! she found me again.

yes! money shot! I gave total cuteness there! oh great. really cole? Your underwear had to come out now?

oh yes! She has the other two cornered!

now for the get have to do this slowly or she will notice.

yes! It's working!

keep moving!

oh ali is posing now! I am home free!

free to walk along furniture, bury my face in it, and kiss sweet freedom!



Cassi said...

What the heck, she's walking on furniture? Aren't our babies the same age?

PS Cole's shoes are to die for!

Katherine Maddux said...

They are absolutely beautiful. Give them a big hug and smooch.