Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pipesicle turns one!

Our little Pipe-sicle turned one in June.

How fast a year has flown. 

 She rather enjoyed her cake.

and what do you ask was her themed cake this year? 
I would love to show you a picture of the darling orange Popsicle cake complete with actual stick and cute bite taken from the top left corner...however, in a tragic turn of events the pictures from the camera were deleted...yes. deleted. Totally my fault, I hit the wrong button. I cried. We have moved on.

remarkably Justin had the stroke of brilliance at both piper and ali's birthday parties to take pictures on his phone...yet another reason I love that man!

 Piper is hilarious.
She is never more than 30 seconds away from a smile.
she makes us laugh constantly.
I can't even describe her giggle, its like from her chest and classic. 
she has 8 teeth (2 of which are molars)
she has been walking along furniture and standing on her own in the middle of a room since she was 9 mo. but finally took her first steps without holding anything about 3 weeks ago (she was 14mo.)
and now she cannot be stopped!
she has incredible balance.
She talks a ton as of last week she says mom, mama, dada, baba, nana, baby, ali (aeeee), Cole (co!), num num, nigh nigh, hi!, hello, no, yeah, uh -oh, owie, I love you, and I am sure I am missing some.
my personal favorite is when she says "pound it"  (owe it) as she holds out her fist for you to pound it.
she is VERY clever.
she is strong willed.
she is always happy...unless its nap time.
at nap time she throws things and swats indicating its time for bed!
She sleeps through the night.
and also takes two, 2 hour naps a only child to ever nap well.
She loves baby dolls.
she loves to be outside but hates grass.
she thinks she is as old as cole and ali.
she has her dad wrapped around her finger.
she gives the best kisses, but is VERY selective about who gets them and when.
she figured out how to tease us but pretending to give kisses, then turning our heads away with her hand and laughing. 
she hides by burrowing into someone and covering her ear with her hand.
she yells "MOM!" when she wakes up from a nap.
she plays peek a boo but often covers her mouth instead of eyes.
she loves bubble bee bumble bee out of the barn and puts her liitle index finger up to do it back to you saying "bababababababa" with inflection.
she tucks her arms under her tummy when you hold her and nuzzles up...or puts one hand around your neck as she cuddles you.
She is curious, and waits for her moment to do things.
she never forgets.
I am sure I am forgetting things.
Piper is pure joy and we are obsessed!

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