Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain

Cole was Baptized in July.

It was the perfect day.

My amazing friend Lenae drew the art work for the program.

Nana Kathy gave a talk on baptism and gave Cole a cool old key to remember the day.
Grandma Watkins gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and likened it to a super power. She even had a Thor and Captain America to give him to help him remember his new super power!

Ali and I sang a duet.

and Justin performed the baptism and confirmation.
 I bawled at the confirmation. I was not expecting such a sweet and tender blessing. It was beautiful.

Getting a picture with all of us looking perfect was not going to happen, so we are going to document how happy we were instead.

We were so lucky to have family and friends surrounding us! Grandma and Grandpa came from San Diego, Uncle Lance and Aunt Michelle drove up from Utah, Nana Kathy and Papa Dave flew in from Michigan as did Uncle Jon and Aunt Jen. 
We had a big pulled pork luncheon afterwards with the help of Aunt Michelle's cooking skills, complete with homemade root beer brewed by Andrea Dallimore. 
We were spoiled with friends and family to help us celebrate the special day!

Not everyone could make it though, Uncle David being one of them.
So instead he painted this...

Yeah, I know, talk about talented!

It was the perfect gift to help Cole remember such a special day. 
Cole is an amazing young man. He is an old soul. Always has been.
We could not be more proud of him and the decision he made to be baptized.
He truly tries to follow his Saviors example daily.
We love you Cole.

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