miss ali is in a word..."spicy"
She is chalk FULL of Per-son-al-i-ty.
every outfit is an excuse for a picture and every picture brings with it a new pose.
she LOVES being on stage.
and being the CENTER of attention.
she loves to sing.
both real songs and songs she makes up.
surprisingly if she makes up a song she can repeat it to you later pretty much word for word.
she LOVES to dance.
play ANY type of music and ali has the moves for it. from MC hammer to an irish jig.
see those big baby blues? She uses their powers to work daddy over.
ali loves to cuddle.
she would sleep til 10am daily if it were possible.
she loves being outside.
she loves riding her bike.
her LAUGH is infectious.
she loves to play with friends.
she sings at the TOP of her lungs in primary.
she loves giving talks in primary too.
she doesn't miss a THING and she asks really smart questions.
she says she is getting married in the "smarkely temple" someday
she loves when the bus brings her best friend and big brother home to her.
she changes her outfit 5 times a day.
usually to put on a show for us.
she knows she is a princess.
her favorite food is asparagus. she also loves tomatoes.
she loves making cookies with mom. esp eating the dough.
she is obsessed with princesses.
she loves books.
she doesn't like being alone.
she would cuddle with someone every night to fall asleep if she could.
she has an INCREDIBLE vocabulary.
she knows how to manipulate a situation in her favor.
she likes to brush her own hair.
and while I can still tell her what to wear...she has definite opinions. and would long ago have taken over if I didn't put my foot down on the issue.
she loves painting her nails...but usually peels it off by the next day.
she hates sad parts in movies...like bawls uncontrollably.
she is not afraid to get dirty.
she loves ANYTHING sparkly.
she had her birthday party planned 4 months ago (its not 'til August)
she is tender yet tough.
she says a prayer when she is scared.
she starts kinder in September.
she screamed like a banshee when she received her kinder shots.
and limped out of the office.
she loves cute shoes, but would run barefoot outside if I let her.
she is brave.
I NEVER worry if she can hold her own or stand up for herself.
she HATES mustard. Its the only thing she won't eat.
she is in the 33rd percentile.
she carts piper around like she is a grown up.
she can turn on tears like nothing I have ever seen.
she is crazy smart.
she is STU-BBORN.
but generally obedient.
she will grow up to be the kind of girl I would want to be friends with.
she is genuinely hilarious. a truly funny girl. with an adorable sense of humor.
her favorite movie quote is "Feast your eyes" while pretending to moon someone. (Brave)
she will play with anyone.
oh yes she is spicy. but we wouldn't have it any other way.
she is a very special and very strong.
We feels so blessed to have her strutting around our home, adding laughter to our family.
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