Cole is pretty much the best son you could possibly wish for.
I know, I know, I am totally bragging, but it's my blog and I'll brag if I want to.
He has had a huge year. Between moving and being an INCREDIBLE big brother to two sisters.
My mom wanted a few pictures with his jacket she sent him, and I thought they were the perfect eye candy for a cole update.
Cole is in first grade. (only 6 weeks left!)
He loves riding the bus.
He is huge. Somewhere over 60 lbs.
He is super tall, and loves playing football with his daddy.
He is an amazing reader. He reads on an end of third grade level. and we have to make him stop reading and go to sleep each night. He loves learning ANYTHING. He devours informational books. A few weeks ago when we were in San Diego visiting my family, my brother asked him who was on the $1 bill. When he replied with the correct answer. David asked him who was on the $5, $10, $50, $100. When Cole got them all correct David was quite impressed. But that's pretty much Cole in a nut shell. Quietly scooping up information. His new obsession is Abraham Lincoln.
Don't worry, he's not all book worm. He knows how to have TONS of fun!
His LAUGH is contagious.
He LOVES the Avengers and Ninja turtles.
He rides his bike anytime he has the chance.
He has an amazing memory.
He loves playing with friends.
He discovered legos this year.
and he likes to wrestle with daddy.
despite the fierce face pictured below, he is pretty much the sweetest little man you'll ever meet.
He cares how others feel.
Gets sad when he even thinks he has disappointed his parents.
Shares EVERYTHING the minute he is asked.
Asks me to wait to clean until he gets home so he can help.
I have caught him reading his scriptures several times when he thinks no one is watching.
very sensitive.
He is THE MOST RESPONSIBLE kid ever. Seriously, it's like having a third adult in the house.
He has a tender heart.
He tells his mommy and sisters how pretty we are.
He loves to cuddle.
He seems so much older than six.
He is a bottomless hole when it comes to food.
He loves yogurt, oranges, strawberries, oatmeal, waffles, pizza, his mom's chocolate chip cookies, salmon, macaroni, and STEAK! I think he could eat a whole loaf of bread in a day. He is going to eat us out of house and home by the time he is 12.
He is the BEST brother in the world.
Ali and Piper are soooo spoiled.
he is patient. kind. and loving.
He will play whatever they want.
He plays with Piper the minute he walks in the door from school.
He and ali are actually really good pals.
He is a peacemaker.
He makes his sisters LAUGH.
He has a really cute sense of humor.
He is a happy kid.
and his pants NEVER stay up.
I know it seems like I view him through rose colored glasses, and maybe I do.
But ask any mama and they will tell you their son is special.
Cole is amazing to us.
we know how lucky we are to have him.
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