Friday, April 9, 2010

the laundry basket bunch

who knew laundry could be so fun?

apparently they did.
(as a side note: I made those flower clips in her hair...thanks for the tutorial katie!)

fun to stand in,

and even more fun to be pushed in!

I love what they come up with...

sometimes I wonder what is going through his head to do next...

or her's...

hmmm, I think I better stay on my toes with these 2!

playroom partners

I really love catching these two playing together.

we turned one of the bedrooms in our house into a playroom

and we love it.

everything is kid friendly, has a place, and is easy to clean up.

(p.s can you tell which of my kids LOVES posing for the camera?)

they play so cute independantly...

but I especially love when we catch them together, just laughing it up...

which is often.

whether they know we are watching...

or not.

(...and this was before daddy's fabulous haircut, hence the shaggy look.)

my handy hairstylin' man

justin decided to try his steady hand at hairstylin'!

and he proved yet again that he is a talented fella!

I must admit I was a little skeptical,

but that didn't last long, it was clear justin could work the scissors.

he looks just like when he leaves the salon

and mommy and daddy look even happier 'cause it was free!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

dad and his al

these 2 are inseparable.

daddy is her hero.

she trusts him with anything.

she knows he'll catch her.

they are best pals...

hard to believe that one day she will be off on her own.

well, sort of, I have a feeling daddy will never be far behind waiting to catch her...

just in case she needs it.

quote of the day...a few days ago

have you seen the movie up?

good, then this will make sense to you.

the hilarious boy pictured above said this after getting out of the bathtub and looking at his shriveled pruny post bath hands:

"Hey! I look like Mr. Fredrickson!"

Friday, April 2, 2010


just a few of my summer favorites.

oh how I love little shoes. something about them makes me so happy.

and these are the ones I can't wait for her to fit into.

walked into the family room and saw this...

love it.

hippity hop

I must admit I am amazed cole made it till 8:30 before begging to get us out of bed and see if the easter bunny had come.

and after he raced down stairs he found that the easter bunny did not disappoint!

his fav was of course the "PRINCESS AND THE FROG!"

and ali found a basket full of "pretty's"

which cole lovingly helped place in her hair...

(please take a moment to appreciate the bead head on both our children.)

good thing she's tough...
after all that practice with mom learning how to do girl hair!

and look at that lovely finished product.

she seemed to dig both the candy and the lamb (or doggie as she called it) as much as the jewelry.

and as for mom's easter bunny spoils...check it out, don't be jealous...

here is justin modeling my AWESOME gift.

(I love that he was funny enough to buy this for me)

ah Becca, thanks for turning me onto the world of the snuggie!

if you can tear your eyes away from that amazing shot, we will move on to the hunt!

in actuality the hunt took place before going through baskets, there was no holding cole back from that!

he jumped right in and taught ali how it was done.

and she caught on quick.

in fact she didn't want to risk having to loose one of her finds to her she tried to carry them all.

she eventually followed cole's lead and put them down.

she got pretty into it...especially when she found out there was candy inside!

as if this was not fun enough already!

some required dad's assistance to get into.

cole loved his loot.

as did ali.

one of the things the easter bunny brought cole was a notebook to write in. we turned around while fixing dinner to find cole sitting on a stool writing.

no prompting, he was just writing what his little heart desired, which included his name. "perfectly" written on that tiny line.

we are so grateful for the blessing of being together on this Easter Sunday and for the sacrifice that was paid so we can be together forever.

I am loving pig tails right now.

some of these are from a month or so ago...

as you can see they slowly move their way back as she gets more hair.

and I am so loving that.

but then...

maybe I would love anything about her cute 'lil noggin'.

or maybe I am just impressed that I can actually do any form of hair do on her!

an "egg" citing time

FHE was "egg"cellent this week!

ali was mesmerized from the get go.

she wanted to be in the middle of all the action.

and when we made her wait a minute or so she started amusing herself...

which of course amused us.

a lot.

but then it was back to business.

cole was very into this...

but his first comment when he found out what we were doing was
"when are adam and wendy coming over?"

apparently no egg decorating session is complete to him with out the jensens.

we decided to let cole dye them, while ali was restricted to washable paint.

she didn't seem to mind.

cole loved every minute of his crafty adventure...

as did daddy, check out his BYU egg...

ah, I love that crafty man...and his crafty little offspring.