Thursday, December 30, 2010

"baking" up a "buzz" worthy christmas of perfection

It was a very merry christmas 'round the maddux abode!

santa came through!

the "big buzz lightyear with the blue circle belt from star command" was awaiting him christmas morning. "IT CAME!" were his exact words "my buzz came!" he was so stinkin' cute. for the full effect tune into the next post (blogger is being silly right now) and watch the's classic.

the adorable thing is that as obsessed as he was with getting a buzz, he was equally if not more excited for ali to get her kitchen. he is the early riser (although he miraculously slept 'till 8) but he quickly ran back up to wake our sleeping beauty up and with a voice full of joy announce to her that her kitchen had indeed come.

she was equally obsessed...she hasn't stopped playing with her kitchen since.

my parents found ali the cutest bake ware ever. I think it deserves a future post all unto it's own. seriously who knew they made actual miniature spring form pans that you can really bake with? the cookie set pictured below has a real cookie sheet in it that just happens to fit in her oven with perfection. seriously, it needs it's own post.
(and check out her awesome bed head)

here is her cute new serving mom found these too. they are heavy duty serious plates. as you can see she set right to using them.

and set a place for her knew obsession, molly...she deserves her own post too.

and then what to do? make cookies of course...she is her mother's daughter.

yep, onto the pan and straight into the oven.

and while one has a batch in the oven, who could resist eating a little ice cream. this is a doug and melissa set of wooden food, and I heart wooden food...I just hope it never becomes a weapon 'cause those things could inflict some serious damage.

and this is the felt food that mommy made. I have been working on this stuff for a while and have to give justin his props as well...he made the carrots and peas pictured here. I love having a husband who is secure enough in his manhood to craft with me.

and what was cole doing during all this kitchen fun? patiently waiting with woody in tow while daddy opened the long awaited "buzz"...and raveled the 2, 000 twist ties that kept him prisoner in all that packaging.

ali continued to play with her kitchen...she was so into it that I couldn't even get her to turn around and look at me.

this is the best I could get people...a random "quick mom take the picture, while I give you this weird I'll-take-pity-on-you-and-let-you-take-one-picture-of-me-face...but hurry!" and I was lucky to catch this, 'cause it only lasted 4 seconds!

yep, still doing this...

meanwhile ali moved on to making us all yoger-et as she calls it.

and finally...


the hilarious thing is that he tried to take these upstairs still in the boxes and put them away so they would be safe before ever opening them...that is how precious these are to him. when we finally convinced him to open them he was very protective of them.
so here is the food (minus one cookie that is currently being played with)...and the grocery sack justin and I made to hold it all out of fun foam.

there are sandwhich options like PB and jelly, as well as cold cuts. asparagus because its ali's favorite, bacon that has raw and cooked sides, a banana that comes out of it's peel, bowtie pasta with sauce and parmesan, potatoes and gravy, a T-bone steak, one random strawberry because I got sick of making them after one, carrots and peas made by daddy, pancakes, eggs, chicken nuggets, and chocolate chip cookies. there is still so much more that I want to make! I will add to this stash as I get more masterpieces completed.

my favorite picture of the whole morning was one where I caught cole doing this...somehow it was tragically deleted and so I had cole play with them while I had the camera out so I could semi-recapture the tender moment...good thing he is obsessed so it wasn't hard to do!

we keep catching him playing and saying things like

woody: "where did you come from?"

buzz: "santa brought me for colton."

woody: "for colton!"

and he keeps putting them up in the play room and shutting the door so they are alone...he is hoping to go in randomly and catch them in a live's pretty cute.

cole also has continuously locked all of our bathrooms since buzz arrived...when asked why in the world all the bathrooms keep getting locked he replied "I don't want ali to get buzz wet and ruin him."...haha to be honest, smart move.

he loves these to pieces and while he normally gives ali anything she wants, these were special to him and so we were ok with him keeping them to himself for the day...the thing was if ali even came near where they were he would yell out "No! ali don't get my buzz! oh no she is going to get my woody" we were alerted any time she even came in the general vicinity of them...

but daddy is a genius and after a while I walked into find this had replaced the anxiety...

ali had grabbed her jessie and daddy had convinced them to have a picnic...cutest daddy ever.
the anxiety issues over buzz and woody almost dissolved after that point.

and what is with this new stink eye face when I ask for a smile?
she kills me.

so now that cole was ready to share, it was even more adorable.

and ali leapt at the opportunity and laid them all down for a sleep over...

buzz, apparently sensing danger escaped the first chance he got.

but it was ok because molly was there to occupy ali. ali was given this baby alive by her grandma and parents must be trying to get me back because it poops and pees...we will not be using that function. over all though it is adorable, she named it molly. she bounces it on her hip, tells us she is "so stinky" and changes her diaper. it wiggles (which freaked her out at first), coo's, cries, giggles, and well as makes sucking sounds when you feed her with her bottle. remarkably it's not annoying, thanks to an on/off switch.

my parents came up the week before christmas and gave it to her so she has had it a while and packs it everywhere...that's why in the video cole comes packing molly down for her...he was trying to save time and get her down faster!

it was a wonderful weekend...I mean look at their faces.

we had a very peaceful weekend at home and the kid's got to help us do some things to help santa get to some other kids which made christmas a special time. we had a turkey dinner, watched movies, went to the park, and thoroughly enjoyed each other. cole and ali helped us tell the story of Christ's birth and although we were not there to see Jesus recieve his gifts of "gold and merb" as cole calls it, we felt truly blessed to know what happened that special night, that made it so we can enjoy our family like we did this holiday, throughout eternity.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

singin' the rain

it's pouring rain outside...which I love. love. love.
especially since I did all my errands yesterday and can enjoy the pitter patter from my nice cozy house.
I should probably be blogging christmas day events right now, but Justin has the camera with the sd card from that day in it with him, so that's out.
so what to do in the rain...sing!
I have been meaning to catch ali's constant singing on video, and today was the perfect day to capture it. Let me first say that ali sings constantly and listens to whatever I sing around the house (which may or may not be constant as well) and then incorporates it into her repatouir (I know I butchered that). I also thought I should document a little interview with her while I was at it. ...and after you watch the interview you will see why it was ok the camera died before I tried to catch her letter sound abilities on film...she was less than cooperative on her name...I can only guess how the sounds of the alphabet on command would have gone over today...but then that's an accurate portrayal of miss ali. completely aware and capable of showing off what you want her to...but only performs on her terms. but then when you see the other video's you will see why her
makes all that stubbornness bearable.
sorry in advance for any sea sick feelings due to her constant motion...that is also ali in a nut shell.

video 1: interview (and cole chimming in...why oh why did they pick woody as the main character's name in toy story? )

video 2: santa claus is coming to town, a seasonal fav of her's.

video 3: polar express song...she was obsessed with this song from the moment she heard it. video 4 is a better version of it though.

video 4: the better polar express version.

video 5: this one she learned in nursery and particularly gravitated towards due to the ali-gator in it. I love her theatrics with it, she toned it down a bit when the camera was on believe it or not, but you get the idea.

oh there are so many more I could ask her to perform...but you are probably video-ed out if you even got this far. so enjoy grandparents and those of you that hung in there to watch our rainy day antics...ali just informed me when watching these herself "oh, that's adorable".

Friday, December 24, 2010

santa claus came to town...

Santa came to visit our ward Christmas party!
cole wasted no time scurrying to join the line. he looked up at me with his fists clenched and the biggest smile I have ever seen while jumping up and down and said (in a high pitched excited voice) "this is so exciting!"
if you have been around my son at all this year, you won't even need to read this next part to know what he asked santa for...look at him all business as he says in one breath "the big buzz lightyear with the blue circle belt from star command!"

cole is VERY excited about santa this year and making sure that he checks with me everyday to be sure he was good and that I am not calling santa to tell him otherwise! he informed me that we need to leave santa cookies and milk and make sure dad doesn't eat them...

then there was little miss. she liked the bribe santa gave her...

but other than that wasn't so sure at first...don't worry big brother came to the rescue, stepping up and informing Santa that ali wants a kitchen.

after that she warmed up a little bit.

so basically...
dear santa,
glad you planned ahead and read my children's minds. 'cause I
sure haven't seen that blue circle belt buzz in stores for a while
now and that would have been a tragedy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

a michigander turkey day.

this year for turkey day we headed down to:
poor justin has not been home on this holiday for 12 schedules, work, and prices have all had their hand in foiling his holiday plans. but this year a true miracle occurred when we found $117 round trip tickets ($135 after tax)...told you a miracle had occurred!
we have not seen round trip tickets to Michigan for that price EVER.
delta...thank you for dropping your prices for the one day we booked on. you made my husband a happy happy man...although I think it was more blessing than luck...we know Heavenly Father must have had more to do with this one than delta!
so justin got a week off cleared and we hit the road...air.
we discovered how easy travel is with kids that are no longer babies. you have to pack so much less, they can walk, be entertained by a DVD player, color, and yet are still young enough to pass out before we even leave the runway (ali on the return flight).
justin calls me a weather snob...what can I say a childhood in san diego ruined me for all other weather. so I will first was cold.cold.cold. but the fun we had with family balanced all that teeth chattering out. actually the only day that was horribly cold was the day were supposed to see this guy...

play his last college game. gee jeff, could you look a little more intimidating? luckily justin is fully aware of my pansy-ness and opted to have ali and I stay home and away from the freezing temps. good thing to, he called me a few minutes in and said even he (who shovels snow in shorts) was freezing and ali would have been a mess there...not to mention me.
but cole and justin braved the elements and stayed to support jeff and ....

(central michigan)

and watch jeff...who is cole was a trooper (with 15 layers of clothes on) and loved the time with daddy and family.

this is not from the game they watched but it illustrates how fun jeff is to watch!

we had a fun filled week. ali and cole were obsessed with everyone there and soaked in every minute. their cousins katie and kyle are their new favorite people. they played adorable together...especially cole and BFF's. It was so fun to watch them all run around together.
we headed to battle creek for the actual turkey day festivities, with the extended fam. which is where uncle jordan and papa were finally able to win ali over. from that day on she was obsessed with them both.
cole was attached to nana's side the whole time.
justin got to meet up with his high school pals aaron and ryan. it was fun to see him reminisce and hear all the hilarious stories.
cole loved every minute of having a backyard to play in. even if there were no kids out there with him he was totally content. this is how I know he has his father in him...he loved being outside in the freezing cold. it was so cute to watch him through the windows exploring and just being a total boy.
we had a wonderful time. we saw Tangled (adorable), got to go to a real mall (we are deprived here in st. george), and curled up watching movies while eating warm cinnamon rolls, or fresh from the oven cookies. with a few bouts of the flu being the only down side (12 hour bug) was pretty much a fabulous vacation.
cole hated to leave nana, and ali's last words to papa were "tell me a story". it was adorable. we wish we could see them more basically bring on those $117 tickets anytime!

my only regret? we didn't bring the camera...hopefully we get some pictures emailed to us soon!
we miss you already!