Thursday, November 18, 2010

man trip!

a couple weeks ago some of the youth in our ward headed down to the BYU vs UNLV game, and justin was able to get field passes and take cole along!
(not sure why these pictures are importing so small, I'll see if I can fix it later)
so here are my boys chillin' on the field...

where justin got to catch up with his coaches and show cole all around.

and give cole an up close look at a a big part of daddy's college days.

they had a great time and soaked in the perfect day!

it's crazy to think that the first time cole was at a BYU game I was preggers with him and daddy was playing...who knows maybe some day he will wear the same uniform as never know!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

a bad case of the polka dots

have you ever read this book?

it's darling, and has a good message, but this past month it popped into my head constantly because ali too was plagued with an equally insane pattern...polka dots...for real.

I could not blog about this until now, because now it's over and is just something we went through, but at the time it was so sad to me that to think about it for one more moment than I had to, like say thinking about it while blogging, was just not a good idea. that may seem melodramatic and silly to those who have gone through something far more challenging, but at the time I was just too emotional to think about was just so odd.

so ali one night all the sudden had these weird purple spots show up on her legs, followed shortly by bruises popping up around her joints. not what any parents wants to see right before bed time...or anytime for that matter. anyway, we have seen ali have weird skin reactions to viruses before and she had been coughing, so when we called our dr.'s office they said to give her benedryl and watch to see if it cleared up.

it didn't.

it got worse, covering her legs, joint swelling-to the point where my baby was limping (at night particularly) when she tried to walk around. we took her in obviously before it got to this point, and it looked like something called HSP which can effect you kidneys and we were told to bring her back in weekly with a urine sample to monitor her kidneys, that there was nothing they could give her for it, and that it could last a few days, weeks, or even a year...what?

so we dutifully brought her in for her one week pee test and by this point it was spreading to her tummy and arms, with hand swelling, and one day her nose was even slightly swollen. the same PA saw her and went to get the doctor...this time it was my friend Ashley's pediatrician who she trusts as much as I trust mine up in provo. he took one look and said that it was erythema multiforme and stevens-johnson syndrome (mouthfull?) which does not effect the kidneys (few), and as weird as this sounds he said, do nothing it will go away in 3-4 weeks and it won't be something that is recurring...and the music to my ears...this is the worst it will should not spread anymore. hallelujah. all of her side effects like swelling and bruising at the joints...normal. and it was not contagious. just a reaction to a virus she had had at some point.

to back track a bit, when this first all happened she was given a blessing that said that it would clear up in a few weeks and resolve itself. so hearing the doctor say that same thing was my own testimony builder. through it all she was such a trooper. talk about a tough kid. she limped around like tiny tim, and told us that her feet had a headache, and that her legs hurt (I know, rip my heart out), but she never stopped being resilient 'lil al who tried her best to run around catching up to her brother. (who by the way asked every night in his prayers that his sister would get all better.)

It was so weird. her legs were COVERED in spots, that were caused by capillaries bursting under the skin leaving bruises (don't quote me on the science of all of this that's justin's department), that would fade only to be replaced by new marks, or bumps like hives that would flatten out leaving more bruising. her arms never got as bad and it only took over the bottom half of her tummy. and then amazingly it started disappearing. more dots would appear, but they seemed to be disappearing in larger numbers that their replacements were coming in. sigh/holding breath to make sure it was really leaving.

it is completely faded now, and I am so relieved. I knew from the blessing it would be ok...but it's still hard to see your baby hurt and not be able to fix it.

so my polka dot baby is back to her normal self...almost...she has NEVER been clingy. nursery transition at church was a breeze, she didn't care at all when we dropped her off there and now? she got used to being held and snuggled and apparently developed an attachment to it, because on sunday not only did she cry her eyes out, but even after daddy rescued her the whole ward had to listen to her pitiful "I want mommy" chant until the end of church when I was no longer teaching sharing time and could appease her.

I'll take it.

I will take reintroducing her to independence over seeing her sick any day.

goodbye polka dots, hello normal-gorgeous-never-take-you-for-granted-again skin and joints. oh how we missed you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Neverland and the Maddux clan

halloween was spook-tacular for us this year!
it started off at the ward halloween party...
it was so fun to get into it with the kids.

my mom found this tinkerbell costume months ago after I mentioned I was thinking ali would make a cute tinkerbell this year, and the rest just fell into place after that.

cole thinks pirates are awesome and he loves the movie peter pan so he was just a little excited about our theme...

seriously how cute is he? Captain Hook was all about posing for the camera this much easier than last year...alas my baby is growing up...

but don't worry ali fell right into the-hard-to-wrangle-in-a-photo-child role. this is the best I could get...
(and if you are looking closely yes those are dots on her legs...a topic for a whole seperate post...ali has had quite the month poor child. and that is a bite mark on her arm, not ring worm, from a run in with an equally stubborn gal pal.)
please note the adorable tinkerbell shoes that I had to search hard to find, that she for some reason refused to wear in this picture, but has been otherwise obsessed with.

a huge shout out to my friend Ashley who whipped this wendy costume up for me! I know super talented huh?!

and an ever "huge-er" shout out to my fabulously secure husband who worked this
Mr. Smee costume like nobodies business. seriously he is such a good sport. love him.
(he and cole would only call each other Captain Hook and Mr. Smee around the house.)

the ward party was tons of fun. it was a carnival/dinner/trunk or treat event.
ali got a hang of the trick or treating really fast...does she look happy about her haul or what?

in fact she was still obsessed with it 2 days later when it was time to trick or treat. instead of running off to the first house she stooped down and inspected her candy in her "pocket" as she calls it that was still there from trunk or treating.

we eventually got her going though...

but that was short lived...this was her after the first house, crouched down admiring her spoils.

cole was all about it and up for visiting every last house.
daddy eventually had to resort to this...

and speaking of daddy...he gets the award for cutest daddy ever this year...

he planned and exicuted this awesome acivity all by himself. he made hot apples cider, dyed it red, and added dry ice. then he had dried fruit, but told cole and ali that it was lizard tounges, spider legs, tail of get the idea...look how into this they were...

and who wouldn't be when daddy puts something like this infront of you!

and let's you throw "gross" stuff in... something that looks like this!

it was awesome...he even replaced the kitchen lights with a black light.

it was ADORABLE.

the kids LOVED every minute of their "potion making".

I think it needs to be a tradition.

and as if it could have gotten any cuter daddy ended the night with hilarious monster stories.

basically this halloween was rediculously fun.
hope you had fun too!

Happy Haunting!

Monday, November 1, 2010


we opened our door to a suspicious knock friday night and found this!
sick huh?!
we were admiring it and I had just said "I bet this was Jen's handiwork", when the whole Lindell clan knocked on our door with these!

how cute is Jen? we love our neighbors and it's just icing on top that they happen to be stinkin' talented!