Thursday, April 7, 2011


ok not completely...but kinda.

a few weeks ago I registered this guy for kindergarten and I would be lying if I didn't admit that I had been slightly dreading it.

How is my baby this old?

I am going to miss having him around 24/7...he is my peace making child.

What if kids aren't nice?

I used to look at parents who would wait outside my classroom anxiously and think man cut the cord...granted I taught fifth grade which is a little different than kinder, or at least that's what I am telling myself so I don't feel like the crazy mom. but still...

Cole doesn't turn 5 until this summer so he will be one of the youngen's in the class. I feel somewhat robbed of a bit of time, although parents who have children who just missed the cut off last year assure me this is something to be thankful for. then I have parents who hear my feeling of attachment and know I am a teacher ask if I would ever home school...HAHAHAHAHA.

We went for his kinder physical at a pediatrician we had never seen down here before and they were a bit shocked to find out that he is still only 4 and so huge. For memories sake his stats were:

weight 49lbs (95%)

height 44 1/2 in (95%)

so even though he will be the baby I know he won't look it physically.

academically, he is so fact in every way he is so ready. The boy walks around wearing his backpack in preparation for school, asking me questions like were he will sleep when he goes to school. apparently he is so ready he is willing to leave the comforts of home altogether.

I asked him if he would rather go to school next year or play with mommy...after a long pause (no doubt trying to decide how to break this to mom without hurting her feelings, cause that's just how he is) he replied with quiet conviction (waiting for me to cry) "go to school."

dagger to the heart! no really I am glad he is excited. two of us an emotional mess would be a bit much to handle.

so we went and registered him, legal documents and proof that he had been jabbed the accurate number of times with a needle in hand. and you know what? It wasn't that bad.

I am at home in a school and felt instant excitement when we walked in the doors. PTA sign-ups, emergency cards, paperwork and weird to be on this side of it all. He was so excited and it made him feel even more special when cute members of our primary who are in 5th grade said hi to him (love those kids). Then on the way out he stopped at the giant map on the ground to point out to me where everyone lived in which states in our family...he is so excited and such a sponge.

He will love it, I will cry all the way home from dropping him off, but I will survive.

and the tears will soon be muffled anyway as I try till I am blue in the face to explain to ali why she can't go too.


Rina said...

IT DOES SUCK!!!! But it is so good. At least it has been for Bowen. Sending him back after spring break was hard again, but I think I will get used to it. He's grown in a lot of ways that he wouldn't if I kept him back a year (he is July 31 so also young for his grade).

And Cole is HUGE! He's bigger than Bowen and I don't think Bo is that small for his age! When does he start football?

Cassi said...

I'm freaking out about pre-school right now, I can't even imagine kindergarten! So hard to send them away from you when they have been with you 24/7 for the past 5 years! He turns into your little buddy in that time and when you finally start having more of a friendship he is sent off to the world (ok, a little dramatic but still true). Did you do pre-school? I'm not even sure I want him going to that only 3 times a week...I'm not ready to let him go :-) Let me know how kindergarten goes! Good luck!