Friday, July 6, 2012

first date

Daddy decided that it was about time to start the daddy-daughter date tradition...seeing has how he now has 2 little ladies to spoil. So about a week before Piper was born Justin asked ali out on a date to see the new movie brave. It didn't open until the friday after piper was born so ali had a good week of anticipation.

every time the advertisements would come on tv for this movie ali would freak out.
 "I am going to see that on a date with my dad!"


she didn't call it brave.

she called it...

"A chance to change your feet!"

(you know...a chance to change your fate)

chalk that hilariousness up to a 3 year olds interpretation of a Scottish accent!

when asked what she wanted to eat for dinner on her date she hastily replied:
"You know those bite things mommy likes...SHUSHI!"

(yes I know how to spell sushi but that's how she pronounced cute.)

So they actually did go eat sushi and she loved it. she also loved having daddy all to herself. and talking on and on about her date with her daddy. it was so fun to see her so excited. and daddy was eating it all up. 

she is already talking about their next date. 

and daddy can't wait either.

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