Tuesday, July 7, 2009

music to mama's ears

This little lady made me very happy yesterday when I officially became "mamamama".

I know this is kind of a weird picture of her, but I thought it was appropriate since this post is about talking and here I caught her mid-talk. This is from the pictures I took for the last post, but it worked perfectly so I didn't subject ali to yet another camera session.

Yesterday I had ali all ready and in her car seat set to go. I walked out of the room to put something away and when I came back I heard in a please-get-me-out-of-here mumble "mamamama". It made my day! I have heard that sweet sound for a while now from Cole of course, but it seems to be no less wonderful the second time around. Lest you think it was a fluke she has been calling me that for 2 days now, so I think it's official. She has been saying "dada" for forever now and while I think it's adorable, I think Justin was worried I was feeling left out, so he has been working with her on it for a bit now. She also says "baba" and "haaa" for hi. She mimics any sound she hears and we can tell she is going to be our little chatter box. Ali is also quite the accomplished singer, she just loves hearing that voice of hers...and so, quite obviously, do we.


Chantell Hammond said...

I can't even hear her saying that and it melts my heart. She is such a sweetie! Little girls are just so fun. We are loving our little boy too, I'm just reminded of little Lucy by your little Ali.

valmike said...

Pretty soon you'll here, "Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmyyyyyy!"

Wendy said...

So cute!