Monday, May 24, 2010

a sandy situation

this is justin.
this is justin wrangling 2 kids.

this is what they were doing that required his wrangling expertise.

this is what made wrangling 2 kids worth it.

really worth it.

heather is not pictured because someone had to man the camera to catch the darling memories...

like these...

this is cole discovering the beauty of wet sand.

this is cole teaching ali what to do with it.

this is justin having more fun than the 2 children that required wrangling.

this is cole after justin decided this was easier than wrangling the children.

and this is ali after she climbed in the whole justin had started digging.

and this is all 3 of them having a fabulous day.

and not pictured is heather smiling because she knew her 3 favorite people were enjoying every minute of this day.

1 comment:

valmike said...

Maybe I missed it, but did you get a new camera? Your pictures look better. I must say that we're a bit jealous all of that sun and fun!

I'm starting to get the Vegas itch again and it's only getting worse watching, "Pawn Stars" on the History Channel. (It's at a pawn shop in Vegas.) So maybe...

: ) You are all so adorable and we miss you tons!!!!!