Saturday, November 7, 2009

she got her wish...

Yesterday after a very long and full life my "other grandma" went home to be with her sweetheart.

(this was taken when cole was 2 weeks old)

the term "other grandma" although odd sounding to outsiders, was a term my grandma loved and encouraged. she signed all notes, letters, and referred to herself as other grandma. it was not a definition just a term she heard her tiny grand kid say and decided to make it stick.

she was born in 1917 and was 92 when she quietly slipped away at my parents home, in her bed. to those of you who knew her, you know that she has wanted this for a long time. in fact each time I would go visit and tell her she had to stick around for another grand baby or something like that, she would put her hand up over her face and say "oh heather, don't wish that on me!" she had had a long life with plenty of experiences and was so ready to be reunited with my grandpa. my grandpa died when I was 11 months old, and all she wanted was to be with him again. so, yesterday afternoon she finally got her wish.

I was lucky enough to get to spend time with her just a few weeks ago when my parents brought her up with them to visit the grand kids. she loved just watching my oh so entertaining children. and then the day before she passed I was able to speak to her on the phone and say goodbye. and when I told her to say hi to other grandpa for me I am told she got a huge grin across her face. there is no doubt in any of our minds that other grandma is happy and that other grandpa is too.

just a few thoughts...

juicy fruit, her big red-ish car with cushion so she could see over the steering wheel, hiding her keys, 7 up, broccoli and avocado dip, the brown bowl chair, the way her bedroom smelled like her, neapolitan ice cream, drum sticks, baseball games, clapping her hands together once when she was so happy about something, broaches, tough, being the audience when david and I put on award shows with categories like "best other grandma" and where the awards were forks wrapped in tin foil, being our customer when david and I made up restaurants with menu items like "piece of bread", visiting her at her ward and in the church library, the house in vista, passing the landmark of the big guy and knowing we were almost there, the bag, how much she approved of and loved justin, her watching my kids, the pictures of her grand kids all over her house, how proud she got when she talked about my dad, stories about when she met my grandpa and stories like how her pictures were on public transportation as adds for the photo studio, how strong she was, how much she loved us.


Jon and Diana said...

Wow, I'm glad she got her wish. What a wonderful life to lead. I remember going to her house once with you. Then we got slurpees. I don't remember much else. I'm glad she is comfortable now.

VoNique said...

I'm glad she's with her husband, but I'm sad she's not with you anymore. I'll keep your family in my prayers. Love you tons!

Christin said...

So glad your grandma is with her husband. My grandpa is dying of cancer and part of me wishes he could go soon. He's in a lot of pain. Endure to the end has a new meaning for me for sure.

By the way, when are we going to get together again? Still got that swine at your house?


jennifer casady said...

Heather, this was so sweet, I really enjoyed reading it. Grandma Amonette told me on Friday that she had passed away and I meant to send condolences over the weekend, but I forgot. The term "other grandma" reminds me of when we were we have kids of our own, what happened? I am so glad she was able to go and visit you & your cute family! What a blessing it it to know that she can be with your grandpa again forever & ever.

moliver said...

That post brought tears to my eyes. Acutally, I was full on crying as I was reminded of both of my grandmas who have been reunited with their sweethearts. I love the little memories that you wrote down too, that will be so wonderful to look back on and tell your children about too. She seems like a wonderful woman.