Friday, August 27, 2010

potty princess part 2, for real this time, hopefully.

(not a potty picture, but at least a potty pose! I think this picture is funny and it will so not be making it into the family picture montage soon to appear on our blog, so I went with it.)

ok, so a few months ago I posted that ali was obsessed with the potty, which she was. so after dragging my heels about going through the stress of it all I decided not to be lazy about it and just get going.
well, of course ali decided that it was no longer interesting the moment I jumped on board...knowing ali I am not surprised. she is a stubborn little thing and it had to be on her terms.

so imagine my surprise when her lonely bright pink potty go some major attention last week when she suddenly decided to pull off her diaper and wander in on her own to do her very lady like business.

a fluke maybe? I decided not to get too excited about this, considering her waining interest the last time I got my hopes up. but it continued all day, with no accidents. then a dry diaper in the morning followed by an immediate trip to the potty all on her own. all day I would hear her stop what she was doing and run downstairs to use her potty.

this has continued for several days now. most mornings are dry diapers and she even has dry diapers after running errands for hours (and she goes straight in to go when we arrive home.) I was really floored when she got out of the pool yesterday and went in the restrooms instead of in her swim diaper.

now there is one comical thing in all of this. she is good to go when she has to pull the diaper off, but the underwear are apparently so light and breezy that she forgets they are there, and thus forgets to pull them down and pee's right through them into the potty.
I guess though that if this is the only thing she needs work on I can handle that!
this is so ali and so a foreshadowing of years to come. it has to be on her terms. no matter if she is capable or not, it has to be her idea.

little stinker, it's a good thing she's so cute!

I know this was a lot of potty talk, but this is life around here!


Christin said...

Yeah potty training is definitely all about timing. I have one twin 100% there and the other one still in diapers. Ughhh.


Rina said...

Dude, I am so jealous. My potty training experiences have never been so nice. I HATE POTTY TRAINING!