Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The 2 YEAR old

Cole has been a little sponge the last few months! He loves learning anything that you want to teach him. His latest accomplishments to add to his resume include: Learning his ABC's (not only the song, but recognizing the letters), learning a few states, and learning the names of a few of the apostles! We cannot take credit for the righteous one...Jed and Kim have been teaching him the names of the first presidency along with their pictures. So on Saturday when the first session of conference started and he saw the Prophet on the screen he got all excited and pointed to the TV saying "that's President Monson, that's President Monson!" we were amazed and then he continued pointing to each speaker asking "Who is that?" and then repeating their names. It was pretty cute. He has been working on his ABC's for a while and now points to every letter he see's anywhere we go and tells us what it is. So the video's are clips of him performing his tricks. The shorter one is of him naming states from the map (he has since learned Colorado, Texas, and Florida...could we be teaching these in a more random order?). The longer one features his vocal stylings with Itsy Bitsy Spider, Do as I'm Doing, and the ABC's. He is so fun and he say's and does things everyday that crack us up! We sure love our little man!


Chantell Hammond said...

OH!!! My Cole! I hate that he is growing up and I am missing it! Who's idea was it for us to move? I hate that! I must say, what you are teaching him is very impressive, and thank you for the ideas. I feel like I am hitting walls trying to come up with new things for Lucy, so you should keep posting your creative teaching tactics. By the way, are you teaching this year? What did you decide?

Rina said...

I love the way he says California. He is a smarty! I wish we were close enough to do play dates.

Marjorie said...

How fun. I love little kid's voices and how they pronounce words. Way cute!